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Shay and I have been perfecting the perfect carry-on travel essentials list for the past 6+ years of full-time travel! It’s probably safe to say that we’ve all been there: unprepared, exhausted and totally uncomfortable on a looong international flight. Maybe you can see me raising both hands in the air? 😉 Since we take […]

15 Travel Essentials You Need For Long-Haul Flights


We’ve realized that the key to making our long-haul flights a breeze is by being prepared with these travel essentials. I know it might sound crazy but we now L-O-V-E taking long-haul flights. Seriously, they’ve been that big of a game-changer. So, let’s get packing!
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Go behinds the scenes with us as we walk you through our most recent branding photoshoot! We’ll chat about why you need to invest in a branding photoshoot and so much more! Let’s do this…

Behind the Scenes of Our Branding Photoshoot

Starting an Online Business

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Today, we’re sitting down with Bucketlist Bombshells Academy student Sarah Mills, Founder & CEO of Ink & Olive Media! Originally from Sterling, Virginia, Sarah gives us a glimpse into her girl boss journey…

How This Millennial Quit Her 9-5 to Start Her Own Online Design Studio

Client Spotlights

Today, we’re sitting down with Bucketlist Bombshells Academy student Sarah Mills, Founder & CEO of Ink & Olive Media! Originally from Sterling, Virginia, Sarah gives us a glimpse into her girl boss journey…
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Our brand-spankin’ new and updated Design Skills Course and Tech Skills Course are officially LIVE! Want to know exactly what’s new inside the Design Skills Course & Tech Skills Course? Click here for a sneak peek at all the new updates!

16 Things You’ll Love About The NEW Design Skills Course & Tech Skills Course!

Starting an Online Business

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Want to know one of the biggest myths about launching an online business? That once you hit “launch” on your epic solopreneur website (the one you learned all about right here), clients will magically start to come to you. ???? If only that were true  But lucky for you, today we’re sharing one of our best strategies […]

7 Ways to Become a Client Magnet Machine in Your Online Business

Starting an Online Business

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We’ve built a six-figure online business and career that not only makes us 20x the income than our previous 9-5 jobs, but more importantly, it gives us the freedom and flexibility to actually live our lives to fullest. And today, we’re sharing with you just how we did it!

10 Essential Steps To Start An Online Biz and Travel The World Full Time

Starting an Online Business

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Check out this video interview with Hayley, who quit her 9-5 job, moved to Bali, started her online business and is absolutely CRUSHIN’ it!

How To Quit Your 9-5, Start An Online Biz & Travel The World

Client Spotlights

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Kathmandu is equal parts intoxicating and exhausting — the people, the foods, the traffic and temples make for an overwhelming and oh-so exciting experience! This is our list of absolute must-do’s while visiting Kathmandu!

9 Things You Must Do in Kathmandu, Nepal


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Lisbon is the ultimate European hub for digital nomads (aka girl-bosses who are runnin’ and rockin’ their online biz, all while traveling the world!) Once you step foot in this beachside paradise, you’ll see why. This is our guide of fave activities while living as an online girl boss in this seaside city!

The 10 Best Activities to Pamper & Play Lisbon, Portugal


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Lisbon is the perfect place for any aspiring girl boss who wants to hook up her laptop, get a strong wifi connection (and even stronger coffee) and the desire to totally rock her online biz from anywhere in the world. This is our list of fave places to stay in Lisbon!

Where to Stay as a Digital Nomad in Lisbon, Portugal


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One of the best things about being a digital nomad in Lisbon? The insane amount of gorg coffee shops and seriously swoon-worthy coworking spaces to work from! Here’s our list of the top places to crush your girl boss goals in Lisbon!

7 Best Spots to Work From as a Digital Nomads In Lisbon, Portugal



Pop in your earbuds,  throw up your top-knot &

We hit *record* on our business bestie chats – sharing our honest behind-the-scenes strategies of how we’ve built a multi-seven-figure online business with intention and purpose – all while designing a life that feels fulfilling, abundant, and completely on *YOUR* terms.





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