7 Ways to Become a Client Magnet Machine in Your Online Business

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So glad you're here! With over 10 years in business & $6M in revenue, we're two BFFs here to help you hit your big business goals with more ease, joy & purpose!





Want to know one of the biggest myths about launching an online business? That once you hit “launch” on your epic solopreneur website (the one you learned all about right here), clients will magically start to come to you. ????

If only that were true  But lucky for you, today we’re sharing one of our best strategies to land those clients you’ve been searching for.

It might be our best strategy we’ve shared yet, and it’s sittin’ right at your fingertips (literally)…

In fact, it’s our #1 way to land clients, manage communication, and totally run our #girlboss empire like pros!

Curious what is is, chica?

You might be surprised, because we think it’s a totally underrated tool….

That epic tool?

It’s email, girl!

Seriously, we’re about to share some top secret insider tips that will totally revolutionize the way you view your inbox (and soon, that inbox of yours will be full of client inquiries!)

Right now, you might be thinkin’…

“Well, I use email all the time, how will these help me strategically land clients?”

You know we’ve always got your back, girl! ????

Today we’re sharing our absolute best tips to help you turn your inbox into a client lead machine! Let’s dive in..!

Tip #1: Make a List of Your Dream Partnerships

This is all about being proactive, not reactive. To get a headstart in finding online businesses that you would love to work with, think about the small businesses that have caught your eye.

Remember, it’s just as important that your client is the right fit for you, as you are for them.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by evaluating their business website, and reading their about page. Do they have a mission that you align with, are you passionate about the services or products they’re offering, or do you love their online presence?

Use this tip to create your “dream list”, and use it as a baseline for your client pitch list!

Tip #2: Craft Fabulous Emails

Now I know you’re no stranger to emailing, but there is a framework for crafting emails that aren’t going to get sent straight to your potential clients spam folder! 

In order to do this, you’ve gotta make a connection quickly.

It’s super important that you make a personal connection quickly so that your potential client knows that this email was written by a real human being (aka, yo’ sweet sassy self!)

Tip #3: Focus on Results, Rather than Yourself

Let’s be real, your dream client is most likely pretty busy running their own business, they really don’t have the time to read a novel of an email, let alone a novel about you.

So let’s make it easy for them, shall we girl?

Your potential client wants results, right?

So focus your email on the results you can help them achieve.  

Not only will this perspective be way more effective, it’ll also show that you’ve done your homework! #CRUSHINIT

Remember, at the end of your email, make sure you include a link to your business website. Here’s an example of an email template we’ve used, that has worked wonders for us in our online business!

Tip #4: Use Hubspot Sales

Now that you’ve crafted your irresistible email to send out to potential clients, it’s time for one of our absolute fave tools, ever! 

Enter: Hubspot Sales. The best part? It’s totes free!

This Google Chrome Extension will allow you to reach out to more potential clients in less time AND give you important data so you can land clients more quickly, saving you tons of time.

You’re welcome, girl ????

Tip #5: Follow Up Flawlessly with Hubspot

The best part about Hubspot? You can track the emails you send and get notified when a potential client opens your email or clicks a link.

I meannn…how epic is that?!

You can then use this information to follow-up with potential clients who have opened your email to ask them if they have any questions about your services or what to learn more!

You know your future clients are busy, and this is the perfect way to check back in with them, and follow up in a friendly and professional way. 

Holy knowledge bombs, chica!

Tip #6: Create Quick Email Templates

Using Hubspot sales, you can also turn your best initial contact email into a template that you can access right inside your inbox, which will save you the repetitive task of copying and pasting each time.

We recommend that you send out at least 25 emails to potential clients each week when you’re in the hunt to find and land your first clients online.

At this point, we’ve shared a ton of insider knowledge with ya, and you might be wondering…

“What’s the best way to stay on top of these client finding strategies?”

This is where an Action Plan comes into play. Keep reading to see how to put these steps into action!

Tip #7: Create a Simple & Effective Action Plan Using Asana

Asana is seriously the best project management system out there, and it’s totally free! This system (that we use on the daily in our own biz) allows you to easily manage projects, tasks and deadlines each week…it’s by far one of our favorite online business tools!

Curious how it works? We got you, girl ????

In Asana, you simply add a task that you need to complete. Then you will assign this task to yourself and set a deadline for the task.

You can also set a task to recurring at the same day or time of the week. For example, you can set a recurring task to engage in those Facebook Groups we’ve talked about for 30 minutes each day so you don’t forget!

Asana will send you an email reminder when the task is close to the deadline or if the task is past the deadline. Once you complete the task, you check it off! How easy is that?

Bonus Tip: Create Project Templates

Another incredibly useful tip using Asana is to create project templates for recurring projects within your business which will save you tons of time.

You can simply create a new project with all of the tasks you normally complete within a project.

This project template here is for designing a Branding Style Board for clients.

So everytime I book a new client for this type of project, I click “Copy Project” to copy the template and create a new project for myself and my client with the necessary deadlines.

This is seriously such a game changer, and has been a huge time saver for us in our business!

That’s it, chica! You know now how to totally utilize the resource you have right at your fingertips (email!) to reach out and create relationships with your dream clients.

So whatcha waitin’ for, girl? Get out there, and get to it!

Let us know in the comments below what your biggest takeaway was! We can’t wait to see you out there totally killin’ the game and putting these steps to use!





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