This is one of my favorite realizations in the world: You already have the greatest tool and asset that you need to accomplish your dream life vision!
What’s that you might ask? Well, it’s sitting right above your shoulders, love. It’s your mind!
Your mind is an incredibly powerful thing, and I’m sure you’ve already noticed this when your negative thoughts start swirling through your head. And the crazy thing is that your negative thoughts produce the same stress and anxiety as if the potential negative outcome actually happened… Mind-boggling!!
BUT, want to know what else is just as crazy… The reverse effect can also be achieved!
If we imagine a positive, uplifting experience, we feel excited, elated, and energized. The fact is, your body is simply hardwired to respond to your mind, and your mind responds to the pictures you feed it.
Most of us go through life paying minimal attention to our thought processes: how the mind thinks, what it fears, what it says to itself, what it brushes aside. We’re neglecting one of the most important and powerful forces in our life: our thoughts!
Allow me to break your mind down for you just a tad bit further 😉
Your Subconscious Mind:
Think of your subconscious mind as fertile soil that will grow any seed you plant in it. Your thoughts and beliefs are seeds that are constantly being planted, even if you don’t realize it.
Just like strawberry seeds will produce strawberries, the contents of your thoughts will produce an effect on your life! You will reap what you sow.
The subconscious mind doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure and bad health. Your subconscious accepts what it is being fed… whether it’s positive or negative. It doesn’t evaluate as your conscious mind does.
Your Conscious Mind:
Your conscious mind is like the gardener that tends to the soil. It’s your responsibility to be aware of how this process works, choosing wisely what reaches the inner garden — your subconscious. For most of us, our role as a gardener has never been explained to us.
Since we weren’t even aware that we had this role, we’ve allowed seeds of all types – good and bad – to enter our subconscious.
Using your powerful inner collaborator (your subconscious!) and your inner evaluator (your conscious!), you can train yourself to set things into motion with your thoughts. You can use the power of your mind to bring about the people and the circumstances you require to achieve your goals!
And in fact, this is our #1 secret to how we’ve kept a positive mindset throughout our entrepreneurial journey! Positive affirmations are the key to gaining courage, building resilience, and achieving your goals!
But I’m sure you’re wondering… “What the heck is an affirmation and how do I create them?” Keep on readin’ love! 😉

What is a Positive Affirmation?
Essentially, affirmations come into play to combat negativity and create positive self-talk and self-affirming beliefs. They are specific statements that help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. They help you visualize and create positive changes in your life!
Affirmations are statements that you say either out loud or quietly to yourself. By doing this, you rewire your brain. Like physical exercise, affirmations raise the level of feel-good hormones and push our brains to form new clusters of “positive thought” neurons.
For example, if you have an important interview coming up, you could affirm to yourself that you will have a great interview by repeating to yourself, “I am amazing at being interviewed and I always impress interviewers.”
When you verbalize something and repeat it to yourself, it will influence your thoughts. This is why affirmations are successful. If you say to yourself, “I will have a great interview,” you will automatically begin thinking about your upcoming interview as a great interview. What you focus on, you attract. So, begin using affirmations to focus on what you desire!

Creating Positive Affirmations
Now that you know how transformative and beneficial positive affirmations can be in your life, it’s time to start creating your own! It’s pretty simple, just follow these steps:
Step 1: Choosing Words
Brainstorm and write down words that are meaningful to you that will help you achieve your dreams and goals. Start with the emotions or feelings you want or need to have to accomplish your dreams and goals — confidence, courage, joy, gratitude, love, inspiration, faith, etc.
Then, think about what you feel you are lacking right now — productivity, time, clients, money, connections, etc.
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Step 2: Creating Your Affirmation Sentences
Using the words you’ve brainstormed, create a short phase beginning with “I have,” “I am,” “I trust/accept,” “I am grateful for,” etc.
Write your affirmations in the present tense so that when they’re repeated or read, it’s as if you already have that energy. Even if the sentence is not yet true, write it down in the past or present tense as if it’s happening or already has happened!
You have to imagine and essentially pretend that what you want has already happened. Your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what’s real or not, so it’s taking whatever you tell it as a fact.
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The 4 Rules for Affirmations:
1. Always affirm the positive.
Avoid asking yourself, “What if it’s a terrible interview?” or thinking things like, “I’m so nervous.” These statements focus on the opposite of what you want. Be positive and use words that reflect what you want to happen. If you want to be confident, use that word in your affirmation.
2. Make your affirmations short and simple.
Use a short phrase or one sentence at the most. Your affirmation should be like a simple sentence that you can repeat over and over again, without thinking.
3. Don’t force yourself to believe it. Just say it.
You don’t need to force yourself to believe your affirmation, simply repeat it over and over and it will naturally affect you. Repeating the statement many times will cause it to work for you!
4. Make them unique to you.
One of the coolest parts about using your own words to create an intention is that they are YOURS! You can customize the energy and intention behind your affirmations based on your needs using words that make the most sense to you at the moment.

Our Favorite Daily Positive Affirmations
Now that you know how to create positive affirmations, here are some of our favorite affirmations we use to get you inspired! 😉
Money Mindset
- I deserve to be paid for my skills, time and knowledge
- I am abundantly wealthy
- There is no limit to the amount of money I am capable of earning
- I am confident that I can make money from my new online business
- I have the power to build the wealth I desire
- Money flows easily to me
- Making money is fun and easy
Attracting + Landing Clients
- I am always working with my dream clients
- I have incredible value to offer to my clients
- My services are needed by clients
- I am confident in pitching my services
- Landing clients is easy for me
- I am grateful for all of the client referrals I am receiving
- I am blessed to work with successful people
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- I excel at managing and organizing projects
- I always get things done on time
- My days are productive and efficient
- I tackle my to-do list with ease
- Managing my time is easy
- I am highly productive
- I am motivated and driven
Showing Up with Self-Confidence
- I am a confident and courageous businesswoman
- I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy
- My confidence is soaring
- I have great ideas that contribute positive change to people in this world
- I am a great public speaker
- It is easy for me to show up on my social media channels
- I excel at engaging with my community
- I am enough
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Growing Your Business
- My business is growing, expanding, and thriving
- I am always learning and growing as a business owner
- I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful
- Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas
- I seize every opportunity that comes my way
- I have enough time to work on and grow my side hustle
- My potential to succeed is infinite

Using Positive Affirmations
Once you have created your positive affirmations, it’s time to put them to work! The key is to repeat your affirmations with FEELING every single day, multiple times per day. If you take it seriously and do it regularly (like you would take a medication!), your body will begin to expect and absorb the benefits!
Eventually, you will begin to notice the words coming to your mind without any effort, where there may have originally been something negative or an unhelpful attitude.
ThinkUp is an incredible app that we use every single day to bring our affirmations to life! Within the app, you can record your affirmations and create a playlist along with music. Studies show that this is the most powerful way to use your affirmations to achieve your goals!

I’ll be honest, I felt like a total fraud when I first started implementing affirmations into my daily routine. I felt silly saying something that was the opposite of what I actually thought. But I can’t express enough how I can now almost instantly shift my mindset using affirmations!
So, what are you waiting for love?! Bring your positive affirmations to life and start transforming your entrepreneurial mindset!
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