Kopila Valley Visit: Day Four in Nepal


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Day 4 of our trip to Nepal is complete, and today was a day to remember. When we visited the new campus yesterday, the innovation and intention that went into this project left us amazed. They’re currently building a new school that will be the most sustainable school of it’s kind on the planet. It was hands down one of the most inspiring things we’ve ever seen.

They amazing team at BlinkNow is about five months away from completion, but there is still so much work to be done. This is when inspiration struck.

Today we thought to ourselves, how can we give back while we’re here, to truly make this dream school a reality? Which lead us to a goal, to help make a difference of the lives of these amazing children. To raise $10,000 to help Kopila finish building the new school of their dreams. But we can’t do it without you, girl.

We’re so grateful for all of your support, none of this would be possible with you! We wish we could bring each of you with us to see how education is changing the lives of these children, but for now, we’d love you you to us live and learn more about what we’re doing everyday in Nepal.

Just head to our private Facebook Group, The Bucketlist Bombshells Community or on Instagram at 9 AM PST // 12 PM EST!

Want to hear more about the fundraiser and how you can get involved? Check the video below to see the recap!



Our recap of visiting the brand new campus at Kopila Valley! [1:20]

How can we do more? This is when inspiration struck… [2:05]

Announcement of our fundraising campaign with Kopila Valley, and the power of our community! [2:45]

If you want to learn more about this organization and donate to help make this dream a reality, we have the link for ya! [3:44]

Why we’re so excited about this brand new campus!  [4:15]

The history of BlinkNow and the Kopila Valley School, and the passion behind it [4:30]

Why a new campus is so very needed [5:00]

An intro of the new campus, and the improvements it will bring to the students [5:55]

How many new students the new campus will be able to help! [7:25]

How the earthquake from 2015 affected construction [8:00]

What still needs to be funded to complete the new campus [8:15]

What do we need? Here’s our goal! [8:30]

Why the price of two cups of coffee will help change the lives of these children [8:45]

How you can help! [9:45]

Visiting the Kopila Valley Women’s Center [10:15]

The impact of the Women’s Center, and the empowerment it provides [11:00]

The benefits the Women’s Center provides [11:37]

The skills these women learn, and how it benefits the community [12:17]

The shop at the center, and the goodies we got from these talented women [12:50]

What the program provides for these women, and the freedom it gives them [14:00]

The accountability group at the Women’s Center [15:20]

The amazing plethora of programs here, and how they team up together as a community [16:15]

How to learn more about the BlinkNow organization, and how you can donate [17:00]

The passion behind the leaders at this school [17:45]

The benefits the school provides to these adorable children [19:00]

The morning assembly, and our time there [19:49]





