Determined to no longer succumb to the anxiety, fear, and uncertainty that this pandemic and social distancing has introduced, I sought out the one person who I knew could help me create a positive mindset.
And who better to chat with than bestselling author, Oprah Life Coach columnist, and my dear friend, Susie Moore?!
Plus, I’ve been reading her brand new book, Stop Checking Your Likes, and it is so gosh darn GOOOOD and perfectly fitting during this time!
So after a much needed long chat, I’m excited to share Susie’s best advice to help you stay in a positive mindset while social distancing…

Although you might be feeling like your personal or professional life is currently on hold, there are many other ways to help you continue moving forward.
To be frank, there’s not a whole lot we can control in the outside world, pandemic or not. However, no matter what chaos occurs, you have complete control of what goes on in your mind.
So, direct your focus. Are you going to use this time to worry, or do things that bring you joy and closer to reaching your dreams?
Because there will be a day when this is all over. Our lives will go on and the good times will come. So, in this time of uncertainty, choose to get the reins of your life back and get in control of the things that are scientifically proven to make you happier:
- Rest
- Move your body
- Show kindness to others
- Make a contribution
You are the only one who has the power to choose how you feel and the mindset that you have. So, give it all you’ve got and get ready to come out even stronger!

The world is consuming more social media and news than ever before.
However, when you go down the “scroll hole” (as Susie likes to call it!) in an attempt to stay up-to-date on the news or simply out of boredom, you can so easily develop a fear-based mindset.
So, be intentional about what you’re consuming, how you’re consuming it, and how it makes you feel.
Yes, it’s important to stay updated on the current events, but it’s also important that you set a boundary with yourself on how much you consume. If you notice that you become anxious after watching or reading the news, ration your news consumption or ask a friend to keep you updated with only the must-knows.
If you’re mindlessly scrolling Instagram and begin to compare yourself to the beautiful quarantine queens with their healthy meals, gorgeous makeup, and perfectly behaved children, just remember that what you’re looking at is only 5% of someone’s life.
Protect your mind and put boundaries in place. It’s entirely up to you on what you spend your time consuming. Remember, you have control!

Ever have those days where you’re just not feeling it? Like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and are ready to call it quits?
You are 100% normal and it is 100% okay to occasionally feel that way. We aren’t supposed to be happy all the time!
So, before you start journaling about the crisis in your life and all the negative emotions you’re feeling, ask yourself a few simple questions:
- Did you sleep enough?
- Are you eating well?
- Did you drink enough water or too much vino?
- Are you feeling lonely?
- Have you been pushing yourself too hard?
And just know, that it’s okay to give yourself a break and take the day off. It’s okay to feel yucky, unmotivated, or stressed. It’s 100% normal.
Sometimes, your body just needs to slow down. So, give yourself the permission and grace to have a break! 🙂

Maybe you just lost your job, aren’t sure if a lay-off is in the near future, are having to let go of employees, or are losing clients…
I want you to know that I see you, I believe in you, and I’m here for you.
It’s not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you don’t know how long the tunnel is!
Remember, you are equipped to handle this. Look at the struggles you’ve had to overcome over the course of your lifetime and what came of them. Don’t forget how resilient you are and the many strengths that you have!
We don’t know when this will be over or when jobs will return, but we do know that this too shall pass.
So, create opportunities for yourself during this difficult time. Look at the silver linings and practice gratitude. It’s not naive or discounting the heaviness that is going on, but it’s the most generous thing you can do for yourself.

Most importantly, remember that although we are social distancing, we are not emotional distancing! Reach out to your loved ones and use this time to connect, grow closer and find joy in the little things 🙂
By incorporating just a few of Susie’s tips over the past week, I’ve felt a heck of a lot lighter already! And I hope some of these tips will help you do the same. Holding you closer than ever and sending you lots of love wherever you are in the world.
We’re all in this together. X
P.S. Don’t forget to check out and leave a review for Susie’s amazingly good, brand new book, Stop Checking Your Likes!