From Teacher to Academic Life Coach: How One Woman Built an Online Coaching Business

Student Spotlight

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Ever wondered what it takes to ditch the cubicle and become a full-time girl boss? Our Student Spotlight Series interviews our students who have made the transition from 9-5 to remote CEOs!

From what inspired them to start their own business, their favorite podcasts, go-to morning routine, advice to aspiring girl bosses, and so much more!

Today, we’re sitting down with our student Jharen Rivera, Founder of Live Mintly! Originally from Tracy, Colorado, Jharen gives us a glimpse into her online business journey…

Today, we’re sitting down with BB student Jharen, Founder of Live Mintly! Join us as she gives a glimpse into her online business journey...

Q: What type of online business do you own and what services do you offer?

I’m an Academic & Career Life Coach and the Founder of Live Mintly where I help students and recent graduates find direction in life.

I focus on incorporating therapeutic activities and individualized plans to help my clients reach their academic goals, deal with mental and physical health, and make strong decisions that make their life feel more content.

“I officially launched Live Mintly at the beginning of 2022!”

Q: What inspired you to enroll in the Bucketlist Bombshells Courses?

I enrolled in the Bucketlist Bombshells Academy because I wanted to learn all the steps to starting a business.

“The courses taught me how to organize myself as a business owner, but most importantly, they gave me the confidence to keep pushing forward.”

Q: What was the final push in your story to get you to ditch that 9-5 job?

Prior to Live Mintly, I was a teacher!

I let my employer know I was not returning for the new school year because I was burnt out. I was focusing on too many things at once and it affected my mental and physical health.

“I was forced to think about what I really enjoy and would be happy doing for the rest of my life.”

Today, we’re sitting down with BB student Jharen, Founder of Live Mintly! Join us as she gives a glimpse into her online business journey...

Q: How long was it until you landed your first client online?

By practicing and implementing strategies from the Bucketlist Bombshells Academy, I landed my first client in just two weeks. It took me a little longer to find more clients, but I eventually did by contacting my warm market.

Q: What is your process for finding and landing clients online? 

I find and land clients by knowing who my ideal client is and where to find them, as well as reaching out to my warm market!

Today, we’re sitting down with BB student Jharen, Founder of Live Mintly! Join us as she gives a glimpse into her online business journey...

Q: What has been your biggest setback and how did you overcome it?

My biggest setback has been fear – it was the only thing that was stopping me. I haven’t fully overcome it, but I’m learning. I have practiced going out of my comfort zone with many things in my life and that has helped greatly. 

Q: Looking back on your online business journey, what is something that you’re most proud of?

Looking back, I’m most proud of the impact I’ve made. I have received feedback that my clients have implemented a new perspective on their life and are generally happier and have a more positive outlook toward their future! 

“I stay inspired and motivated by the impact that has been made on others through my business.”

Today, we’re sitting down with BB student Jharen, Founder of Live Mintly! Join us as she gives a glimpse into her online business journey...

Q: If you could speak to your past self, what piece of advice would you give her?

I would tell my past self to JUST DO IT! 

Q: What’s the best part about being your own boss?

The best part about being my own boss is having flexibility! 

“I get to travel, explore, and rest when I need it, where I need it.”

Today, we’re sitting down with BB student Jharen, Founder of Live Mintly! Join us as she gives a glimpse into her online business journey...

Q: What do you love most about the work you do and the clients you work with?

I love the energy! I am a very bubbly person but can be flexible with my emotions. I love having deep conversations with my clients and challenging them to take risks and go against fear.

Q: What is your favorite destination to work remotely from?

I love working from literally any coffee shop – the smell alone makes me feel awake!

Today, we’re sitting down with BB student Jharen, Founder of Live Mintly! Join us as she gives a glimpse into her online business journey...

Q: What’s your favorite business tool that you’d recommend to other aspiring or current business owners? Why do you love it?

My favorite business tool is definitely Canva! It’s the cutest and the easiest way to make all your content!

Q: What is one of your favorite business books that you would recommend to another business owner and why do you love it?

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero has given me the confidence I need to keep running my business.

Q: What is your number one piece of advice for aspiring Bucketlist Bombshells?

Good things will come. 





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