Ever wondered what it takes to ditch the cubicle and become a full-time girl boss? Our Student Spotlight Series interviews our students who have made the transition from 9-5 to remote CEOs!
From what inspired them to start their own business, their favorite podcasts, go-to morning routine, advice to aspiring girl bosses, and so much more!
Today, we’re sitting down with our student Stephanie Currie, Founder of Stephanie Baldwin! Originally from Toronto, Ontario, Stephanie gives us a glimpse into her girl boss journey…

Q: What type of online business do you own and what services do you offer?
I’m the Founder of Stephanie Baldwin, where I offer project management, brand management and strategy services for fellow creative entrepreneurs. I officially launched on August 13th, 2018!
Recently, I’ve also started offering more design-based services, such as Squarespace website design and branding!
Q: How did you discover the Bucketlist Bombshells?
I first discovered the Bucketlist Bombshells through a social media advertisement. I was so intrigued with Cassie and Shay’s story that I immediately signed up for their free 4-Day Launch Your Online Biz Bootcamp. (Interested in taking a free training, too? Sign up for our free 3 Steps to Learn the Skills You Need to Make An Income Online Workshop!)
“I figured, ‘What do I have to lose? This will give me a glimpse into whether or not their courses are for me!’”

Q: What inspired you to enroll in the Bucketlist Bombshells Academy?
“Since I can remember, it had been my dream to have the ability to work remotely, on my own terms, while traveling the world.”
I spent a decade of my life working in the fashion industry, strapped to a very rigid work schedule, long days, hefty obligations, and all for very mediocre pay. I would take my measly two weeks of annual vacation time to travel somewhere new and far.
During my vacation time, I always felt my truest self. However, I never believed that working remotely and having the opportunity to actually stay and live in those places was a possible reality.
The Bucketlist Bombshells Launch Your Online Biz Bootcamp was the first time I actually thought to myself, “Maybe I can do this!”
“Maybe the life that I’ve spent years dreaming of is out there. Maybe it truly does exist!”
Q: How have the courses helped you to become an online business owner?
Before taking the Tech Skills Course and the Work Online and Travel the World Course, I had zero skills at running an online business and had no understanding of how to go about being my own boss. These courses gave me all of the tools I needed to begin my online business journey!
“The Bucketlist Bombshells Academy helped me achieve working online, traveling the world, and living on my own terms!”

Q: How long did it take you to ditch your 9-5, and how much time did you dedicate in order to make it happen?
Fortunately, I had the financial savings to allow me to quit my job as a fashion buyer cold turkey at the end of May in 2018. I was able to complete both the Tech Skills Course and the Work Online and Travel the World Course distraction-free and launch my business within two months!
Q: What was the final push in your story to get you to ditch your previous job?
While working my 8-7 job, my health was becoming compromised. I had previously taken leave due to health concerns and had once again found myself facing all of the same red flags.
“My health concerns paired with discovering the Bucketlist Bombshells Academy after returning from a solo trip overseas tipped me over the edge!”
Q: How long was it until you landed your first client online?
I landed my first client in two weeks!

Q: What is your process for finding and landing clients online?
In the beginning, I focused my time on making connections through Facebook groups and networking through entrepreneurial friends. Now, I land most of my clients by word-of-mouth.
Q: What has been your biggest setback, and how did you overcome it?
Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt have been my biggest setbacks. It’s an ongoing battle that I have to work at constantly.
When I recognize that these negative feelings are starting to take over, I turn to support from fellow entrepreneurs. They always remind me that this is a common setback amongst many others and that I am not alone in feeling this way.
To work through these feelings, I also listen to podcasts hosted by female entrepreneurs that I adore. I also allow myself to feel all of the feelings.
“I give myself permission to take time to regroup and recalibrate for a day. Then, I’m able to pick myself back up and move forward!”

Q: What’s the most challenging part about running your online business?
Occasionally, I struggle with work/life balance. Since my business is so intertwined in my day-to-day, it can be difficult to “shut off” and walk away.
Q: If you could speak to your past self, what piece of advice would you give her?
I would tell my past self to not give up, believe in yourself, believe in the process, and be patient. Just take one day at a time.
“On the days when the going gets really tough, turn to your biggest supporters for encouragement. Don’t live in the worry and self-doubt all by yourself.”
Q: How do you stay inspired and motivated to run your online business?
Every day, I practice gratitude for what I have and what I have been able to build. I also take time to appreciate the people who have been by my side, have lifted me up, and have supported my journey towards this life I have always dreamt of.

Q: Tell us what a “day in the life” looks like for you now that you’re running your own online business!
Typically, I begin working around 9am and take a mid-day break to go outdoors. Each day, I finish with a yoga class or a run at sunset. I try to never work past 6pm. However, my working hours vary depending on what timezone I’m residing in as most of my clients are on EST time!
Q: What’s the best part about being your own boss?
I love that I’m able to work from wherever is calling me and live every day on my own terms!
Q: What do you love most about the work you do and the clients you work with?
I absolutely love that I have the opportunity to work with some of the most fabulous clients who align with my values, live and work with integrity, and I am constantly learning from.
“I love having the ability to hone in on the areas of work I really thrive in, while also pivoting as I evolve as a person and as a business owner!”

Q: What is your favorite destination to work remotely from?
I really enjoyed my time in the Canary Islands. The digital nomad community there is thriving and the weather is incredible!
Q: What’s your favorite business tool that you’d recommend to other girl bosses? Why do you love it?
A great project management system is always an incredible tool to have, especially as your clients and project grow. Personally, I prefer Asana, but there are so many options out there depending on your particular preferences and needs!
Q: What is one of your favorite business books that you would recommend to another girl boss and why do you love it?
Currently, I’m reading Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis and it is so good! It has helped me get out of my own way and truly live my life for today.

Q: What’s your go-to favorite podcast that you’d recommend to other girl bosses?
I love Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations because she shares so many uplifting and inspirational stories. It’s a great podcast for mindset work, guidance through life’s tough questions, and conversations with some of the most inspiring individuals!
Q: What is your number one piece of advice for aspiring Bucketlist Bombshells?
Engage with the Bucketlist Bombshells online communities! Throughout completing the Tech Skills Course and the Work Online and Travel the World Course, I received incredible encouragement, support and guidance from fellow Bombshells in their Facebook groups. It really blew (and continues to blow) my mind at how kind and supportive everyone truly is!